Relationship with Technology.
Today I literally arranged my schedule around technology. Very unlike me. I hated it.
It was quite comical really.
Lately it has been the saga of the dysfunctional phones in my family. Let me first note that I have been using an old phone for the past couple months because my other phone RIPed in June. So not only was I using my typical free-with-the-plan flip phone… this was the 2006 free-with-the-plan phone. Old school to the max, and it was great. It made calls, had all my contacts stored, and even had this cool texting app. However, it soon began to show signs of its old age and this past week has truly been on its last lifeline, choosing when it did or did not want to work (more often than not, the latter). Our new contract began yesterday so we could finally retire our phones (my sister’s was on its last leg as well), but since we ordered online they couldn’t be delivered until today. Sarah had spent the night with me at my new place in Raleigh, but we intentionally got up this morning and made the drive back home to Holly Springs so we could make sure someone would be there to sign for the package. Well, the FedEx guy must have been Charlie Chaplin or a silent monk in a previous life because neither Sarah or I heard him; needless to say we were less than thrilled to find the “We missed you” note on the door. We had failed miserably in our mission, our very purpose for staying home all day.
So then began the real adventure.
The note said we could pick up the package at the FedEx center after 5. Having already devoted an entire day to the %$#@ phone, (and with my current phone declining by the minute) I was determined to have the new phone in hand and working before nightfall. And so around 4:30 I headed off to the FedEx center in Raleigh. My GPS didn’t know where the heck it was and kept telling me to turn on nonexistent roads. I politely reminded her that I was not in the mood for a scavenger hunt and eventually found my way… arriving only to find that Chris L., the FedEx driver carrying our package, had been detained on his route and wouldn’t be arriving for another hour and a half. Of course.
Determined to do something productive with my day (aside from the canvas I painted– btw, do yourself a favor. if you have even the slightest artistic ability, invest in some acrylics and decent brushes. your walls will be happy and you’ll never need to purchase an overpriced piece of art again.), I decided to go on a run at a ‘nearby’ park (GPS failed once again here and I had to resort to using my eyes/brain). Upon starting my run I discovered that my iPod was semi-frozen and would not stop playing this one song. So I listened to it on repeat for 50 minutes. Luckily it was a good one (Club Can’t Handle Me from Step Up 3). Yes, I know all the words now.
When it came time to return to FedEx, I, of course, needed to use the GPS to find my way. She was actually working accurately until her battery ran low and she proceeded to shout at me, “TURN RIGHT. TURN RIGHT. GO STRAIGHT. TURN LEFT. BEAR RIGHT. TURN RIGHT. ARRIVE AT DESTINATION.” Literally all in a row like that; and she kept repeating it. Not even her beautiful Australian accent could curb my disdain for her at the time. Meanwhile my dying phone was performing its swan song, buzzing at me with text messages/missed calls that I couldn’t view because the screen had once again gone black. It was at this point that I started writing this blog in my head (I’ve noticed I’ve been doing that lately, and I think it may be a problem) because things were getting a little ridiculous . I came up to a light and realized I was one car behind a FedEx truck. Praying that it was Chris L. (and yes, he’s slated to appear on the next Bachelorette), I followed the truck back to the shipping center. Because life is all about hurrying up just to wait, I waited. But PTL, the guy finally came back to the desk with the package.
Next on the schedule: visiting the Verizon store by my apartment to have my contacts transferred/phone activated. Being the semi-responsible person that I am, prior to leaving home I had checked to make sure the store closed at 8. But if you’ve stuck with me to this point, you should know what’s coming. I arrived at Verizon at 7:15 and apparently someone had decided to close up shop early. At that point I was really starting to feel like Alexander (yes, I realize I’m being slightly dramatic). Resigned that I had lost the battle for the day (but not the war!), I headed back to Cary to meet my dad and sister to hand over the other two phones in the package.
Then came the silver lining to the storm cloud. Oh, the glorious silver lining.
The Verizon store in Cary was still open and we rolled in about 15 minutes to close. They were awesome (props to Cassie) and stayed late to set everything up for us.
And so, I am (not sure if I’m) proud to announce that I have joined the 21st century and now own a ‘smart’ phone. This is a huge step for me. Do I know how to use it? Not in the slightest. But I’m getting some help with that tomorrow (thanks times a million, Dustin). I plan to write another post later with my reviews of the Droid; I figure if a high-tech-hater like me can learn to love it then it must be good.
I would like to close by noting the irony of blogging on my laptop about my hatred for technology while g-chatting with friends, watching a movie, enjoying the AC in my apartment, and listening to the latest Taylor Swift song on my iPod (which is now miraculously working just fine). So it’s a love-hate relationship…
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